What is Counseling



Counseling is a collaborative process to help you set goals and develop strategies to make life changes. 

Individuals, couples, and families come to counseling for reasons such as feeling depressed, anxious, stuck, having substance use concerns, work or family conflicts, or trauma, grief, and loss. People also seek counseling for personal growth and to develop greater insight, empowerment, and greater life satisfaction.   IOP are offered as part of our Counseling Program.   

At times the process of change can be difficult or upsetting. Your counselor at Tierra Nueva will support you by using a holistic, client-centered, and non-judgmental approach which identifies your strengths, honors your unique life experiences, and respects your worth, dignity, and potential. 

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Tierra Nueva Counseling Center assess each person based on their need for care. Licensed therapist and clinical interns under the supervision of licensed staff conduct a thorough interview called a Biopsychosocial Assessment. This assessment works with the client to determine their need and level of care that will support success and positive outcomes.

Clients are also given clinical assessment to assess a client’s symptoms, and these are tracked during the course of treatment. These include:

  •  Post-Traumatic Stress Checklist 5 (PCL-5)
  •  Patient Health Questionnaire 9 Depression scale (PHQ-9)
  •  Beck’s Anxiety Index (BAI)
  •  For those who are participating in our Intensive Outpatient Program the following assessments are administered:
  •  American Society of Addiction Medicine Assessment (ASAM)
  •  DSM-V TR Cross Cut Level 2 for substance use disorders
  •  CAGE assessment for substance use disorders

Need a Substance Use Assessment?

Tierra Nueva can help! Our trained licensed therapists can administer the ASAM assessment along with our Biopsychosocial Assessment. Call to make your appointment today!

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