Prior to moving to Santa Fe in 2020, I enjoyed a challenging and fulfilling career as a theatre artist and educator, practicing and guiding others in what is essentially the art and craft of empathy. Over the span of almost 40 years, I lived and worked in Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle.

Therapy, like theatre, is a profoundly humanitarian act - it involves the cultivation of authenticity, compassion and acceptance. And it is a collaboration.

I believe collaboration is central to cultivating belonging, building community and establishing meaningful relationships and is foundational to our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

My own healing journey has included struggles and recovery related to addictions and developmental and sexual trauma. I know first-hand the challenges and the possibilities inherent in healing work. As I move into this next phase of my life, I am empowered and inspired by the breadth and depth of the healing I have personally experienced and that I have witnessed in so many others.